E3 2009 Day Two Videos

Posted June 4th, 2009 at 5:40 pm

Once I got back from E3 it became much easier to upload and process the videos. So here are all the rest of the vids I took while out there for Madden 10 and NCAA Football 10.

For Madden this includes an extended recording of Redskins @ Seahawks, a couple intros and half time highlights. These are all on All-Pro difficulty. For NCAA there are a few showing gameplay on All-American (be warned I was trying to play and record at the same time) and also two replays of “setup” plays where you can see how the defense reacts.

Still to come over the next couple days will be my full impressions article on Madden and a wrap-up of the entire event. Continue on to check out the videos and leave your thoughts in the comments.

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