It has now been a week since MLB 12: The Show released a patch which included a fix to scheduling in Franchise and Road to the Show – but unfortunately at the same time created freezes in many ongoing seasons and careers forcing those affected to start them over from scratch. The patch was not rolled back and no mention of an additional fix has been made though SCEA is reportedly investigating the freeze issues.
What may have been even worse though is the ‘Cross Platform Play’ feature that allows save transfers between the PS3 and Vita no longer worked as they essentially became incompatible. The patch changed scheduling on the PS3 but surprisingly there was no patch for the Vita. Transferring back and forth creates freezes and there is no way to use the ‘Cloud Saves’ without having the PS3 side patched.
Sadly SCEA has yet to even acknowledge the serious issue even as commercials continue to run promoting the very feature that no longer works. A fix is almost certainly being developed but in leaving those affected out in the cold for the time being any resulting frustration over a critical feature that is no longer functioning is certainly understandable. No matter how much the Vita is struggling and how few copies may have sold it was the feature that prompted those consumers to buy essentially the same game twice and needs to be addressed immediately.