Electronic Arts has made official the release dates for three of their upcoming games on the Xbox One and PS4. Madden NFL 25, FIFA 14, and Battlefield 4 will be out on November 12 for the PS4 and November 19 for the Xbox One.
That means the games will arrive three days before the release of the systems. Given that it has been such a long time between generations many may not know, or remember, that console launch games are often shipped a few days in advance. This is beneficial to them not just because it makes things easier on retailers but they get the games physically in the hands of consumers before reviews can potentially dissuade them from buying.
One thing of note is that no mention was made of NBA Live 14 which has previously been slated as a launch day game (GameStop even offered up a console bundle with it). Though this specific info release was centered on titles that will be out first on 360/PS3 passing up an opportunity to mention another prominent upcoming game from the company is at the very least curious – especially considering the track record of that series in particular the past four years.
EA’s reaction to a concerned response then was to make two tweets, both of which stated the game is coming in the next-gen “launch window”. The wording was chosen deliberately. That is not the same as locking in for launch day and depending on a company’s perspective could be a period stretching into mid-2014.
Needless to say if NBA Live 14 is not out on day one it will be DOA. Consumers aren’t going to have interest in what would be the third NBA title within a seven month time frame. EA can target those who are buying NBA for the first time this year with their new system or those who already played NBA 2K14 on 360/PS3 and are looking for something different. Once 2K14 is purchased on PS4/One though that’s it…Live would be shut out and the damage would go beyond this release for the series. NBA 2K14 is out on October 1 for Xbox 360 and PS3 and is confirmed for November 15 on PS4 and November 22 on Xbox One.
[Update] Live 14 will in fact miss the launch of the PS4 by four days but will be out in advance of the Xbox One.