The Line Drive is a weekly collection of news, links, deal alerts, and updates that didn’t necessarily warrant their own postings.
♦Many of the Black Friday deals contained in the roundup post remain live.
♦Topped by NBA 2K19 for $27, 12 mo. Game Pass for $70, 12 mo. PS+ for $40.
♦All the changes in the roster update following week 11 for Madden NFL 19.
♦Details on the latest program in MUT to roll out in Madden NFL 19.
♦NBA Playgrounds 2 has added a few legends to its roster of players.
♦Full details on the latest major patch to have gone out for FIFA 19.
♦Full details on the latest major patch to have gone out for NBA Live 19.
♦All the ratings changes from a second in-season roster update for NBA 2K19.
♦The Neighborhood has a new Capture the Flag mode in NBA 2K19.
♦Highlights from the latest roster update to have gone out in NHL 19.
♦Rocket League will be updated to feature Xbox One X enhancements on Dec. 3rd.
♦Limited time remains to sign up for the alpha being run with MLB The Show 19.
♦Everything to know about the FUT Champions Cup competition for FIFA 19.
♦Details on an update that has been made to Perfect Team in OOTP Baseball 19.
♦The Press Row Podcast can now be found among the featured podcasts on Spotify.
♦Blu-ray this week headlined by Searching and digital video gets The Predator.