With 2018 coming to a close it’s time to start looking back on the developments that have taken place in sports gaming and acknowledge the various efforts that have been made in the genre. To start is the first category in the 10th Annual Pastapadre Community Awards. You can check out all ofhe PCA winners from previous years here.
The categories to look forward to include Sports Game of the Year, Best New or Non-Yearly Sports Game, Best Mobile Game, Best Racing Game, Best Gameplay Best Online Play, Best Presentation, Best Franchise Mode, Best Career Mode, Best Post-Release Support, Best New Feature, and Best Team-Building Mode. All winners will be announced in early January!
First up is Best Story/Career Mode, which is a category that has probably been the most diverse of all in terms of nominees and winners. MLB The Show and NBA 2K have each won it multiple times in the past while FIFA 17 took home the award with the debut of The Journey. Last year it was Madden NFL 18 capturing the prize with its debut of Longshot. This time around NBA 2K19 makes a return as a nominee with the much improved MyCareer story, FIFA 19 can go out on a high note if the third and final season of The Journey comes out on top, and The Golf Club 2019 is a first-time nominee for the series with the addition of PGA Tour licensing to its Career Mode.