The Line Drive is a weekly collection of news, links, deal alerts, and updates that didn’t necessarily warrant their own postings.
♦The Chiefs are heavy favorites in Super Bowl LIV according to Madden NFL 20.
♦Initial trailer got a follow-up video pointing out the details for MLB The Show 20.
♦This week’s live stream for MLB The Show 20 will focus on defensive improvements.
♦Any logos desired for transfer from MLB 19 to MLB 20 must be in vault by Feb 7.
♦Retro Bowl released for iOS and Android and is receiving fantastic reviews.
♦Full details on the latest patch that has gone out for NHL 20.
♦All the ratings changes from the recent roster update for NHL 20.
♦Details on the Super Bowl Present program for MUT active now in Madden 20.
♦New CBA in NFL could bring changes even next season inc. extra playoff game.
♦Blu-ray releases this week include Doctor Sleep with Midway out on digital.