More NBA Live 08 online league details

Posted September 5th, 2007 at 5:08 pm
Wade Live 08

Earlier today I wrote an article with one of the topics being the leagues in NBA Live 08. While some of the details on them were known, others still hadn't been addressed. Since then I was able to gather this additional information from EA.

Each member plays up to X number of games against each other member of the league, where X is an odd number (1, 3, 5, 7, 9 or 11) chosen at league creation.

Games are schedule-free: just see who's online at the same time as you are, and play your games against them.

We keep track of the wins, losses and stats under the hood. At all times, users can check these stats in our interface. 

The winner is the league member with the best record when all games are played, then we move into season 2. 

Personally I like the structure and openness of this system especially scheduling wise. The only thing I am disappointed with is the lack of playoffs. While it meshes with having no concrete schedule such as the regular season, it removes the motivation for many people to continue playing once they realize they aren't going to finish with the best record.  
