FNR4 Demo Comes Early For Gamestop Preorders

Posted March 21st, 2009 at 4:56 pm


I glossed over this when it was initially mentioned in the cover press release however I think it presents an interesting topic to address. Gamestop preorders will have exclusive access to the Fight Night Round 4 demo two weeks before it is released to the general public.

Online Customers: A unique code and instructions to unlock the demo will be emailed one day prior to the demo’s release date.
In-Store Pickup / Store Customers: A Pre-order card with code and instructions to unlock the demo will be available at stores shortly before the demo’s release date.

I’m not a fan of this type of move. Who benefits here? Gamestop does especially and so does EA in securing some additional preorders. The consumers though get absolutely nothing out of this other than the feeling of being forced into an unnecessary preorder restricted to a single retailer. It doesn’t exactly vibe with the recent actions from the company that has garnered goodwill with the community.

Getting down to specifics the Gamestop site states that two week early access will be given for the demo which will be released in early summer. This year summer begins on June 21st. Considering the likely June 30th release date of the game it doesn’t appear they are accurate with that statement. The demo will need to come at the latest by June 11th in this scenario. That would provide the two week buffer and still give everyone else the few days before the game’s release to play it.
