Demo for Madden 08 coming?

Posted May 23rd, 2007 at 1:22 pm

Madden Cover

Jon Miller dropped a hint that a demo could be coming for Madden 08, and not only that but it could be sooner than anyone would expect. He posted on the IGN insider board…

You’ll have a demo soon enough. Just be ready.

From what I have been able to gather, there are no plans to release a demo for Madden any time soon. I have not heard that there will even be a demo for Madden at all, let alone having one out prior to release of NCAA Football. There has been no talk of an NCAA demo either.

So for now, this rumor started from his comment has no merit. It is possible that demos will be released for one or both of the games. However right now there is no certainty that they will come, or if they do when that would be.
