Madden video going over technical enhancements

Posted July 31st, 2007 at 2:12 am
Gore Madden 08 gametrailers video

Gametrailers has posted a new video that has producers for Madden 08 discussing different improvements to the game on the technical side as well as new gameplay footage to go along with it. Some of the topics discussed include control responsiveness, branching animations, mid-air collisions, collision detection, gang tackling, AI, and fatigue.

This was one of the more impressive videos put out for the game this year. Not only in hearing about all of the improvements and additions but also how incredibly fluid and quick the gameplay was. There were some really neat highlights shown in this video. As much as some of these same things came into play with NCAA Football 08, from this video alone many of them appear as if they’ll be significantly better in Madden.

Click through to watch the trailer.
