NBA 2K9 Gameplay Footage

Posted September 18th, 2008 at 6:46 pm

NBA 2K9 had some time on Gamespot’s “On the Spot” show today. While there was some early video from E3 this represents the first real look at a near finished build of the game.

Amuse yourself as awkward questions such as how many teams the game has and if it has freestyle moves are asked. There were some really nice animations and I like the game speed being faster (some will like that others might not) but on the downside there was some pretty severe sliding. I do like the way the highlights are displayed at breaks in the action such as the end of quarter.

Continue on to view the video. You’ll want to jump ahead to the 23:50 mark and it runs until 34:40. Be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments.
