CBS Previews UFC 2009 Undisputed

Posted March 30th, 2009 at 6:51 am


A recent preview by CBS covers UFC 2009 Undisputed in great detail providing a really solid overview of the game. While most of the info may not be new to those who have followed the developments it pulls everything together well. The career mode in particular sounds intriguing, however there has still not been a single mention made of what is planned for the game’s online play.

From beginning to end, the video game delivers an authentic UFC experience. After you select the fighters you want to use, a tale of the tape comes up, just like at a UFC event. Bruce Buffer delivers his inimitable introductions and each fighter receives a mixture of boos and cheers from the partisans in the crowd.

It’s going to be really interesting to monitor how UFC and Fight Night Round 4 come out of the next few months. As huge as the FN franchise is there seems to be that shift of anticipation towards UFC right now. The disappointing heavyweight roster and controversial decision to remove button puching in FN along with UFC being much popular as a sport has become more apparent as of late. The best thing is that it appears we’ll have two high quality games out late this spring and early summer whether you tend to lean towards one or the other.
