The Line Drive is a weekly collection of news, links, and updates that didn’t necessarily warrant their own postings.
•Time is running out to get in on the Amazon deal for Madden NFL 12 which includes a $20 promotional credit and release day shipping. I really like the game and has undeniable value at essentially $40. Find the pre-order pages here: 360 – PS3 – CE 360 – CE PS3.
•Once you have Madden 12 (or if you’re already playing through Season Ticket) make sure to join the Pastapadre online community. On both the 360 and PS3 the password is compete.
•Another roster update for Madden 12 was pushed out last night with the intention of fixing some freezes being experienced when browsing certain team’s depth charts. It’s unlikely any other changes were made from the big update that came out on Thursday night.
•2K Sports has signed LaPhonso Ellis to include on the 93-94 Nuggets team in NBA 2K12.
•Kotaku has an early hands-on preview of NBA 2K12.
•New screenshots for Grand Slam Tennis 2, NBA Jam: On Fire Edition, and Supremacy MMA can be found in the gallery.