With the Season Ticket providing NCAA Football 13 three days early subscribers have the opportunity to evaluate the game and others can scan impressions and check out videos and images. Though not enough time has been spent with the game yet to relay detailed impressions – those articles will begin rolling out on Monday – here are some gameplay videos to check out.
Two full games are featured. The first is Alabama @ Arkansas in week three of Dynasty mode on All-American difficulty. This provides a look at some of the new elements of presentation including the Studio Updates and Bottom Line Ticker. That is followed by a week two play-through with Charlie Ward on South Carolina in Heisman Challenge mode. Also visit the Early Release Screenshot Party on Google Plus for a bunch of images that have been uploaded so far and feel free to contribute your own! Unfortunately the image quality from the screenshot feature seems to have taken somewhat of a hit from NCAA 12 but they still can be brilliant.
Continue on to check out the videos and leave any observations or your own thoughts on NCAA Football 13 thus far in the comments!