The Line Drive is a weekly collection of news, links, deal alerts, and updates that didn’t necessarily warrant their own postings.
♦A few new arena screenshots from NHL 15 have been added to the FB album.
♦The last roster update for NBA 2K14 went out and returns all injured players to active status.
♦ posted new video from E3 featuring some off-screen gameplay of Madden 15.
♦Some serious defensive AI issues are already being spotted from E3 Madden 15 footage.
♦The “All-22” camera angle in Madden NFL 15 will be identical to NCAA 14’s Coordinator cam.
♦EA Sports posted some user stats from the first two days of UFC’s release.
♦Here are the full details on the soundtrack for EA Sports UFC.
♦A series of video tutorials have been posted for EA Sports UFC.
♦EA Sports did not allow reviewers to use their own videos or screenshots in UFC reviews.
♦New video tuturial demonstrates how to set up a Custom Tours in The Golf Club.
♦NBA Live 15’s executive producer answered some fan submitted questions following E3.
♦Latest Press Row Podcast discusses hands-on impressions with some E3 media attendees.
♦Boxes of Topps baseball cards include $5 worth of “Stubs” currency for MLB 14: The Show.
♦Here are the details on the July system update that’ll be coming for Xbox One.
♦The pre-downloading of digital games on PS4 will now start with this week’s Transformers.
♦Check out the beautiful Super Bowl rings the Seahawks received a few days ago.
♦Check out the Batman-themed uniforms recently worn by the Lehigh Valley IronPigs.
♦Check out the uniforms that were unveiled for the Charlotte Hornets.
♦The NBA has moved its logo to the back of uniforms to open up space for future ads.
♦The price of The Last of Us Remastered for PS4 has been lowered to $50.
♦300: Rise of an Empire is the only major Blu-ray/DVD release this coming week.