The last that was heard of Super Mega Baseball 2 was the announcement of a planned release date for September. The desire to get the game out while the sport was still well on the minds of fans was understandable, but it would be facing a murderers’ row of sports titles that would almost certainly suffocate any chance it had of breaking out.
Today developer Metalhead Software announced that the game will be delayed into 2018. That means a likely spring release to coincide with the return of baseball.
Delaying until 2018 gives us some more time, especially for certain members of the team who were ramping down on their tasks. We’re going to use this extra time to work on small features and pieces of content that had previously been cut out of our scope – things like defensive shifts and additional art components. We’ve also always wanted to do a beta, but we weren’t able to squeeze it in before September. Now we’ll have the time to do a beta, test the game, and get feedback.
In theory the product will be stronger and its potential for success greater. The first Super Mega Baseball came out in 2014 was met by hearty praise, generating strong word of mouth and even appearances on Sports Game of the Year lists. It released in December however and wasn’t able to gain much traction with sales numbers. The follow-up will add online play, enhance the character models, refine gameplay, and provide greater customization features.