Black Friday 2014 Movie and TV Deals
Here are just some of the many great deals out there on movies, television, and related electronics for this Black Friday week. New items will be added as they appear and some may be expired by the time you get to them. Make sure to follow on Twitter and like on Facebook where I'll be sending out alerts as relevant deals pop up related to gaming, movies, and TV.
*Obviously there is no way to list out every movie available. These are just some of the ones that stood out.Â
Universal Introducing DVD/Blu-ray Disc
One of the biggest benefits that HD DVD had back during the format war was the dual-sided "combo" disc that had the HD version on one side and the DVD on the other. This allowed for the movie to be playable regardless of whether a HD DVD player was available. It also meant the ability to continue to expand a current DVD library which made it more reasonable to make the upgrade to HD. Such an option has not been available with Blu-ray discs.
Now we are seeing that concept introduced howeve...
‘Rocky: The Undisputed Collection’ Blu-ray Coming in November
I’ve always been a fan of the Rocky series, and a box set is coming to Blu-ray on November 3rd. Now you can get all six films in hi-def, and with a ton of extras included in the set. The retail price is $99 but you can pre-order on Amazon for $67.99
The box set will present each film on its own disc in 1080p video with a DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 soundtrack.
Here are the details of the full box set: