Archive for the ‘MMA’ Category
  • Amid Concerns Support for UFC Undisputed 3 to Continue – Or So Says THQ
    Posted June 23rd, 2012 at 2:00 pm 5 Comments »
    Though THQ has pledged that a patch - which has been in the works apparently for over four months now - is still going to arrive for UFC Undisputed 3 consumers have understandably grown skeptical. The UFC license has been transferred to EA Sports and the THQ studio which worked on the series has been closed. The company has not been reliable with their promises thus far leaving many to feel they have been, and still are, simply being strung along.  (more…)...
  • Opportunity Presents Itself for EA to Grow UFC as Next Generation Arrives
    Posted June 14th, 2012 at 10:15 am 9 Comments »
    When the news broke that THQ had sold off the UFC license to EA Sports many assumed that the company's more stable backing and marketing prowess would catapult the brand's exposure and credibility levels and in turn increase sales greatly. It won't be that simple though. THQ lost 70% of the consumer base in a four year period and saw no opportunity to recover and get back to a level where the UFC could be a profitable venture.  (more…)...
  • THQ Had Been Losing Money on UFC
    Posted June 8th, 2012 at 5:30 pm 12 Comments »
    EA Sports picking up the UFC license from THQ was arguably the single biggest surprise announcement to come out of E3 this year. It's been widely recognized for some time now that THQ as a company is in dire straits and - like Take Two and their handling of sports - they have a desire to get out from under the significant costs inherent in licenses. Still a transfer of the license would have been seen as a long shot particularly considering the disdain shown towards EA in the past by Dana Wh...
  • EA Sports E3 2012 Day Zero Trailer Roundup
    Posted June 4th, 2012 at 4:00 pm 32 Comments »
    This has been a day filled with hugely impactful news announcements related to sports games as well as a great of expansion on information for various upcoming titles. This was just the start too as the press conferences only kick off E3 which officially begins tomorrow. Here then is the set of trailers released by EA Sports featuring Madden NFL 13 and FIFA 13 along with the trailer/announcement of the UFC acquisition.  (more…)...
  • UFC Goes to EA Sports
    Posted June 4th, 2012 at 2:00 pm 22 Comments »
    A huge announcement out of the EA press conference as the company has secured the license for UFC which had been with THQ. The deal there was scheduled to run through 2018 but the troubles with the company financially - and their inability to grow the franchise - led them to (as now is known) sell the license to EA with UFC's approval. This despite Dana White's statements in the past that he would never work with EA. EA Sports MMA was a good first effort with some fantastic online feature...
  • Trailer for Bellator: MMA Onslaught
    Posted May 17th, 2012 at 3:00 pm 2 Comments »
    The first trailer featuring actual footage for the upcoming fighter Bellator: MMA Onslaught has arrived. The arcade-style representation will naturally bring up comparisons to last year's Supremacy MMA which was an unmitigated failure. It won't be able to escape those negative vibes either given that both have been developed by Kung Fu Factory. Bellator: MMA Onslaught is set to release this summer on XBLA and SEN (PSN).  (more…)...
  • Latest Deal on UFC Undisputed 3
    Posted May 1st, 2012 at 8:00 pm 2 Comments »
    Amazon is now offering UFC Undisputed 3 for $40 representing one of the better deals in recent weeks. The game was a solid effort - considerably better than that of the previous iteration in the series - though marred by an unreliable online play experience. It has yet to receive a patch but a substantial one is reportedly still in the works. (360 - PS3). Other ongoing deals at the online retailer include SSX for $40 (the DLC that released today could make that of more interest),...
  • Second UFC Undisputed 3 Ratings Update
    Posted April 26th, 2012 at 6:45 pm 4 Comments »
    A second stat update for fighters in UFC Undisputed 3 is set to be released on Friday. The fighters should receive the changes to their ratings automatically upon start-up of the game. Continue on for the full details on the 26 fighters who have had their stats change in UFC 3.  (more…)...